recalling memories from guangzhou
sweet tangy humid air, the hustle and bustle of a too wide street and bicyclists with straw baskets strapped to their backs fight with beetle cars
a time when sitting with mah mah on the back of her own bike felt secure
at night time the cicadas chirp outside my closed window and i'm thankful that i got the one of two rooms with a ac system
but we still have to use straw fans outside; sweat trickling down our necks
mah mah made fresh squeezed orange juice with her juicer. her favorite tool
i watched her sometimes
cutting the orange in half, pushing it on mercilessly, twisting, grinding, pulp
it tasted good though.
and she did the same thing with my brain
carved it out. ate it. spat it out.
so all my china poems have to be melancholy
fill my brokenness with molten gold until the cycle of love and hate destroys me
dripping down my chin like the orange juice