Variegated Leaves
Dark waves crash on the gold sand,
The black slime turns elixir at the shore.
Such is the alchemy of
Night turned day.
The moon’s light squeezed
Becomes volcanoes at the sea bed,
Veins of orange-white rivers
Beneath the oily surface.
They flow to the sand,
The sun squeezed pours black crabs
That dig holes into the sand bed
They scuttle to the greasy sea, their home.
And through their tunnels flows
The light of the moon into the sand
And by the light rivers crabs travel long and wide,
To fall off the horizon in each other’s company.
And so night turns day, and day-night.
Because living is a many-time dying.
A never-ending embrace of crab tunnels and light rivers.
With horizons on both sides beckoning a jump.